Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Fall Of Macbeth Essay - 685 Words

Shakespeare uses many forms of imagery. The forms of imagery that are used in his play Macbeth’ include the forms of clothing, darkness, and blood. Each image is an important symbol in the play.Clothing, is a major and crucial part of ‘Macbeth’, Shakespeare purposely used it to reveal Macbeth’s true character. It is also used to show how Macbeth is seeking to hide his â€Å"disgraceful self† from his eyes and from others. Clothes in the play aren’t really clothes; the clothes that are being talked about are statures. Throughout the play Macbeth is represented symbolically as a person that wears robes that are not belonging to him, a person with an undeserved dignity. Macbeth is never comfortable with his clothes because of his conscious†¦show more content†¦The first time we see blood in the play is when Macbeth sees the bloody dagger floating in the air in front of him. Shakespeare used this image to foreshadow what is going to happen next. Is this a dagger which I see before me,The handle toward my hand? Come let me clutch thee.I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.Art thou not, fatal vision, sensibleTo feeling as sight? Or art thou butA dagger of mind, a false creation,Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?I see thee yet, in from as palpableAs this which now I draw.Thou marshall’st me the way that I was going, And such an instrument I was to use. (Macbeth, 2.1, 33-61, p.26) The second time blood is mentioned it was talking about guilt. This was when Macbeth killed the king, and forgot to cover the drugged guards with blood. quot;I laid their daggers ready; He could not miss themquot; (Lady Macbeth 2.2, 11-12, p.28) When Lady Macbeth was talking about this she said â€Å" their † so she was setting up the innocent guards. This left in her the guilt that stayed with her till the moment she dies. Another example of guilt is when Macbeth comes to wash his hands from the blood of the king he says â€Å"quot;Will all great Neptunes ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?quot; showing that nothing can ever wash away his guilt.Another brick that helped build the play is darkness. Darkness is used to build an atmosphere in the play, due to everyShow MoreRelatedLady Macbeth Is Responsible for the Fall of Macbeth899 Words   |  4 PagesLady Macbeth is responsible for the fall of her husband It can be said that Lady Macbeth is responsible for the fall of Macbeth. I believe that she was partly responsible for this. I believe that two sets of people are responsible for the fall of Macbeth.. Secondly I believe that Lady Macbeth is responsible for his fall. She urges him to kill Duncan questioning his manly-hood and saying that he was too kind. Finally I believe that the witches played a huge part in the fall of Macbeth. 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