Saturday, February 29, 2020

A Way To Tackle Poverty In Indonesia Economics Essay

A Way To Tackle Poverty In Indonesia Economics Essay Some indicators can be used to measure the development of a country. One of them is the rate of the poverty. Not only how this measurement be used in a developed country but also in a developing country. In other hand, many policies to reduce poverty have been made by the government or the multinational organization such as World Bank or United Nation. The big question is why it is that important to overcome poverty. Then the next question would be whether the policies have significant impact to decrease the rate of poverty. If the answer is ‘not’, are there any other solutions to help people who are still in the poverty lines? Therefore, this paper will provide descriptive issues about the recent condition of poverty and how social entrepreneurship can becomes the solution to tackle the poverty in developing countries specifically Indonesia. Keyword: Social Entrepreneurship, Poverty SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP PARADIGM: A WAY TO TACKLE POVERTY IN INDONESIA By: Huda Jamilah Poverty at Glance United Nation (1998) defines poverty as violation of human dignity. Usually, the poor does not have sufficient basic capacity to participate effectively in society. In addition, poverty is pronounced deprivation in well-being (World Bank, 2000). Poverty is the deprivation of food, shelter, money and clothing that occurs when people cannot satisfy their basic needs. We can say someone who earns under $2 a day is face absolute or extreme poverty. The proportion of the developing world’s population living in extreme economic poverty fell from 28 percent in 1990 to 21 percent in 2001. Most of this improvement has occurred in East and South Asia. In East Asia the World Bank reported that â€Å"The poverty headcount rate at the $2-a-day level is estimated to have fallen to about 27 percent [in 2007], down from 29.5 percent in 2006 and 69 percent in 1990.† In Sub-Saharan Africa extreme poverty went up from 41 percent in 1981 to 46 percent in 2001, which com bined with growing population increased the number of people living in extreme poverty from 231 million to 318 million   [ 1 ]   . Poverty can be understood simply as a lack of money, or more broadly in terms of barriers to everyday life. But the truth is poverty rate cannot be decreased until zero condition so that policymakers always have poverty on their development agenda for some reasons. Many studies show some aspects that have caused poverty. Specially, economic factor is the main cause of poverty. Chen and Ravallion (2001) revealed that from 150-country level data, the change in mean income can affect poverty rate. It indicates that at least 80% of people earn less than $10 a day   [ 2 ]   . The total wealth of the top 8.3 million people around the world, rose 8.2 percent to $30.8 trillion in 2004, giving them control of nearly a quarter of the world’s financial assets. In other words, about 0.13% of the world’s population controlled 25% of the worldâ⠂¬â„¢s financial assets in 2004 (World Bank, 2008). In Indonesia, although the rate of poverty decrease to 12,49% this year, the sum of pauper still 20 until million people. Besides, they should face the high rate of inflation year to year. There are several majors causes poverty in Indonesia. Low rate of minimum wage, unemployment, difficult to access information, and lack of entrepreneur.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Cell cycle by emphasizing DNA replication Research Paper

Cell cycle by emphasizing DNA replication - Research Paper Example Increase in the number of cells with 2C-DNA content attests that over expression of wild type CDC6 impacts on the cell cycle kinetics. However, this over expression has no effect on cell proliferation. After S phase is complete, CDC6-d2 on the other hand blocks cell cycle progression and inhibits proliferation as cells with 2C DNA pile up; CDC6-d2 does not inhibit DNA replication but it does passage via mitosis. When SCF CDC4 is inactive, dephosphorylation of B subunit can be driven by over expression of the wild type CDC6 in nocodazole arrested cells. This however is not the case as with when the SCF CDC4 is active as over expression of the cells does not lead to dephosphorylation of the B subunit because over expression of CDC6-d2 blocks cells in G2/M by inactivating CDC28-Clb kinase and in a CDC4+ background produces phenotype very much like that produced by the over expression of wild type CDC6 in a CDC4 mutant background. Unlike CDC6-d2 which is stable in nocodazole arrested cells, the wild type protein is not and quickly disappears into the cells thus showing CDC6-d2 as being resistant to mode 3 proteolysis. It is noted however that CDC6-d2 is not affected for mode 1 proteolysis or mode 2 proteolysis but is affected as a substrate for mode 3 proteolysis; a single point mutation yielding transformation from C to T at bp 1103 causing substitution of threonine at amino acid 368 with methionine was pointed out after DNA analysis of the CDC6-d2. There are three glycine and six proline residues in a 50 amino acid residue surrounding this region, triggering belief that this region could be unstructured (Perkins, Lusy & John, 4837). Two other regions were equally examined to check whether their muattions also had some effects on the stability of CDC6. Two CDC6 alleles were constructed using site directed mutagenesis where serine 372 was transformed to alanine (S372A) and in the other, serine 354 was changed alanine

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Movie Review

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Movie Review Example The film had mostly viewed in a subconscious mind of Joel as he is struggling to resist in erasing his memories of Clementine. This took place when he was undergoing the procedure of the Lacunar amnesia. Upon reliving in his mind the memories of him and the estranged wife, he suddenly realized that he wanted to keep the memories of her instead. As the doctors and technician of Lacuna were busy on the procedures to him through mind-mapping, he was resisting the unexplainable changes that were happening in his subconscious mind. Human Identity and Memory. The film does set a debate of the ground whether identity and memory are connected to one another. It provided open ended analysis for the viewers of the theoretical issue of identity being embedded in human memory. It appears so in distinctive results of the Lacunar amnesia to the main characters, Joel and Clementine. Clementine had her memories of Joel erased, thus her attitude changed toward her new friendship with Joel, much different from the time she still has a memory of him. It can be assumed in the given case that if a person lost his memory, his identity about the established personality within that memory will eventually lost as well. However, it will be a chance for the person who lost the memory to recreate new personality as his identity as a person. New identity in personality could alter the forgotten one if the memory got totally lost as well - a complete amnesia. However, it is different in the case of Clementine, as she only had a portion in her memory erased. Thus, her identity about herself has not totally altered or forgotten. Joel almost falls similarly with Clementine's case, but his procedure deviated as he opted to retain his memories about her. Although they went to such procedure, their identity is not completely at lost as it's only a part of their memories being erased. They retained the memories of their own self previously before they met each other, at least with Clementine's case. In recent study, it was discerned that human identity is synonymous to personality. Personality is described by neurobiologists and psychologists as "a collection of behaviors, emotions, and thoughts that are not controlled by the I-function" (Trinh 2005). Personality has relevance or significant connection with human memory. It was discovered that memory is being "controlled and regulated by the I-function of the neocortex" (Trinh 2005). In Psychological study, the collection of thoughts and behaviors that make a person distinct from others, which is called personality, is actually restored in a memory. The maturity or development of thought, and self-concept is being reinstated in the memory (Trinh 2005). A man's personality or identity was established and developed through the help of memory, or rather within the memory. In direct sense, without a memory, man has no idea of his established identity, or previous personality. The significance of the memory towards human identity is also affirmed by neuroscientists of University College London. They stated that: "The brain stores all